Sunday, March 31, 2013

Judge in Encinitas Case Practices Yoga

The judge presiding overlemon yellow yoga lawsuit aboutlululemon outlet california controversial yoga program inlululemon outlet florida Encinitas Union School District shared during a hearing Thursday that he is a yoga student.

The suit, which was brought againstlululemon outlet school district by concerned parents, claims thatlululemon outlet orlando district’s yoga program is religious in nature and is being used to “indoctrinate” children. The yoga program, which is funded by Jois Yoga Foundation, is an optional part oflemon yellow yoga curriculum in every school inlululemon outlet california district.

During a hearing to set a trial date Thursday, San Diego Superior Court Judge John Meyer said he has been practicing Bikram Yoga forlululemon outlet florida last month and a half, reported U-T San Diego.

“If you think there’s something spiritual about what I do, that’s news to me,” Meyers said.

Dean Broyles, the attorney representinglululemon outlet parents inlululemon outlet orlando case, said he didn’t have a problem with Meyer presiding as long as he could remain open to their argument.

Meyers said he was not familiar with Ashtanga Yoga, which Broyles called one oflemon yellow yoga more spiritual styles of yoga) and also had never heard of Sun Salutations or Lotus Pose.

The date forlululemon outlet california trial was tentatively set for May 20. The hearing also determined that a law firm representing 130 parents, who formed a group called Yoga for Encinitas Students, could intervene and work withlululemon outlet florida school district’s attorne.