Monday, May 13, 2013

American History X

The good news is that we at Mirkwood are here to help. We recognise your hard work as “chief executive” of a benighted nation, Nike High Heels tough decisions you had to take to deal with mendacious critics, Cheap Jordan High Heels threats you faced from treacherous underlings. Did Bill Gates ever put his life on Air Jordan Heels line Air Force 1 High Heels way you did when you shot your brother? Did Jack Welch have to fill out Air Jordan 23 High Heels ballot papers for tens of millions of illiterate tribesmen? You deserve a decent “retirement fund” in return for your sacrifices. And here is our four-point guide to keeping it safe.

For clients still in country we recommend a renewed emphasis on complexity. Money made in “legitimate” businesses abroad, such as banks, property and tourism, should be mixed up with traditional income?commissions on arms sales, energy deals and Air Jordan 3.5 High Heels like. This makes it harder for meddlesome investigators to untangle your well-earned assets from those that in theory belong to taxpayers (joke!).

The best protection for assets of all kinds is anonymity. They should be kept in offshore companies and trusts, in multiple jurisdictions with unclear ownership and minimal reporting requirements. Unfortunately, politicians are making these arrangements increasingly difficult to maintain. The G8 Summit in June is likely to see a new push to limit shell companies, and force existing ones to reveal their beneficial ownership. Mirkwood, with Air Jordan 4 High Heels help of its public-relations subsidiary, Schmoez and DeSeeve, is taking every opportunity to remind decision-makers of Air Jordan 5 High Heels importance of privacy to Air Jordan 6 High Heels high-net-worth individuals who support so many of them. Later this year we will hold a fund-raising dinner for a politician from Delaware, home to 917,000 people and 945,000 obviously legitimate but gloriously impenetrable companies.

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