Wednesday, May 29, 2013

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Father’s Day? Daddy don’t care!

If you've always felt guilty for treating Father's Day with nonchalance, while Mother's Day sends you into hyper mode because it has to be helly hansen jackets perfect gift and celebration, here's why this isn't an issue for your daddy dearest

Today, we're going to ask you a question that over-affectionate aunties always ask little kids. So, who do you love more - mummy or papa? We know what you're thinking. How can a child love one parent more than helly hansen outlet other? Well, we're sorry to burst your bubble, but in helly hansen jakker materialistic world, mothers seem to be hogging helly hansen outlet spotlight. It's everyone's dirty secret that while they spend days, and sometimes weeks even, planning helly hansen pants online perfect Mother's Day gift, they don't seem to put much effort into doing helly hansen jackets outlet same for Father's Day.

 But this is not an article that will send you on a guilt trip for ignoring your father. In fact, this will give you an excuse to justify helly hansen jakker Norrway sad tie or pen you bought your father this year, like helly hansen jackets Norrway year before, and helly hansen outlet Norrway year before that. Kids don't seem to care about Father's Day too much, because even fathers don't care about it! According to a survey, seven in 10 dads don't celebrate Father's Day, and yet more women than men are upset by their children not making an effort for their father.

Many moms are known to throw a fit, or at least give helly hansen jakker Norrway classic silent treatment if Mother's Day isn't made a big deal in their house. Dads? They're too cool for this. The survey further said that men are three times more likely than women to overlook or ignore Father's Day, believing that their father 'is fine with that'. "Men are low maintenance. Gifts aren't really their thing - receiving or giving. My wife cares about gifts and presents, but it really doesn't matter to me. I haven't heard any of my friends discussing what their kids gave them on Father's Day, but I know it's a matter of pride for my wife to discuss this sort of thing with her friends," says Rajesh Chopra, father of a 13-year-old girl.

But helly hansen outlet Norrway best part about helly hansen pants online Norrway survey, and possibly helly hansen jackets outlet Norrway one that will ease your guilt, is that no men reported feeling very disappointed or upset over their kids not making an effort for them on Father's Day, compared to 10.1% of women. 46-year-old Amit Khurana says, "I am not very verbally affectionate with my kids, but that doesn't mean they don't know I love them. Similarly, I know that even if my kids don't buy me a present or take me out on Father's Day, it doesn't mean they think I am a lousy father." In most families, fathers are helly hansen jakker Norrway strong, silent types, who rarely express their emotions, but celebrating Father's Day would require them to do so. 37-year-old Prateek Sinha says, "Father's Day requires men to be sentimental and express their emotions, and they're just not wired like that. Maybe I am generalizing, but it's 100% true. I just don't think Father's Day is such a big deal."

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