Monday, June 17, 2013

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Back when telephones were plugged into walls and data analysis was done by humans, on sale lululemon yoga outlet usefulness of metadata was limited: hence lululemon factory yoga outlet lower evidentiary standards required to obtain them. But thanks to powerful computers that can map people’s associations, and mobile phones that pinpoint a person’s movements, metadata can now provide a detailed portrait of who people know, where they go and their daily routines. The NSA may be able to use metadata to identify connections between people even if they have never shared a direct link, just as Facebook can predict which people a user may know. From a security point of view, what matters is getting all lululemon yoga Headband information available. At colorful lululemon yoga headband same time, red lululemon yoga headband need to examine data at a moment’s notice has shifted blue lululemon yoga headband regime to “collection first” and analysis later, under FISA approval.

The details of PRISM are murkier. The initial leak for pink lululemon yoga headband programme was a computer slide presentation, in which purple lululemon yoga headband NSA said it had access to a cornucopia of customer information from American web firms. That stoked fears that lululemon yoga NSA is hoovering up information on a grand scale. But according to Mr Clapper, PRISM is not a data-gathering tool; it is an “internal government computer system” for accessing content that a court has already ordered companies to provide.

Stewart Baker, a former homeland-security official, compared PRISM to FTP (file transfer protocol)?a way to transfer files over a network. In America’s system of law-enforcement wiretapping, operators must provide access to lululemon yoga pant line when they are served with a court order to do so. Big internet companies may have simply designed a similar system for requests for content. There is no evidence yet that all lululemon yoga pants world’s Skype conversations, e-mails and Google docs are being sucked into NSA headquarters.

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