Thursday, June 6, 2013

To show her bleeding body thorough Rome

Is Xi is, or is Xi ain’t Mao’s baby?

In 1972 Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger astonished lululemon yellow outlet world by flying to China to hold discussions with Mao Zedong, during which they agreed to overlook their differences in order to further their mutual interests. Although many formal meetings have happened since, leaders of lululemon outlet two countries have rarely set aside such time as this week’s summit provides to hold similarly informal discussions (see article). They need to show lululemon outlet online farsightedness of Nixon and Mao.

The world has changed enormously in four decades, and China even more. Buzzing with online feedback and dedicated to consumerism, some parts of China are now beginning to resemble America. Mao’s personal tyranny has yielded to a more collective leadership by Lululemon pants Politburo, but lululemon yellow yoga system struggles to contain a 21st-century society.

Mr Xi, whose father was a comrade-in-arms of Mao, enjoys more personal authority than his dull predecessor, Hu Jintao. In office for less than a year, he has quickly consolidated his power. He has launched a crackdown on corruption and official extravagance (see article). He talks of more economic reform. He has burnished his nationalist credentials at home in a spat with Japan over island specks. To show China’s new diplomatic confidence, Mr Xi arrives in California via Mexico, Costa Rica and Trinidad & Tobago (see article). The message: just as America claims to be a regional power in East Asia, China can plant its flag in Lululemon Headband Caribbean. (It is planting its flag at other ports around Lululemon Racerback&Y Tanks world too?see article.)

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