Monday, June 3, 2013

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And spending months in deep space would expose a crew to a chunky dose of radiation. Information from lululemon outlet Curiosity rover’s flight to Mars, just published in Science, suggests a crew could expect a radiation dose close to lululemon outlet maximum lifetime limit for NASA’s astronauts. If lululemon outlet sun were to have one of its regular temper tantrums, known as coronal mass ejections, which produce huge bursts of ionising radiation, that limit might be far exceeded.

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Both missions hope to use SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy, a planned upgrade of its existing Falcon rocket. But even with access to cheap rockets, flying to Mars without lululemon outlet financial firepower of a government requires clever, and drastic, cost-cutting. In Mr Tito’s case, this means that although his astronauts will fly within about 140km (90 miles) of lululemon outlet Martian surface, they will not actually land. His mission calls for a two-person craft?possibly a variant of SpaceX’s Dragon capsule, which is already used to ferry cargo to lululemon outlet ISS?to be sent on a “free return” trajectory to Mars. By clever design of its orbit, lululemon outlet craft can be sent to Mars with a single burn of its rocket engine. From thereon in, gravity takes over. The craft will swing around Mars and emerge on a trajectory precisely calculated to have it re-enter Earth’s atmosphere several months later, with only minimal course corrections needed along lululemon outlet way. Orbital mechanics is one of Mr Tito’s specialities. Before he left JPL to become an investment manager, he designed orbits for Mars probes.

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